School Clubs Information
Table Tennis Club – This is for all year groups and will be held in the School Hall from 3.30pm-5pm. The cost is £6 per session and there is a maximum of 16 places. These will be allocated on a first come first served basis as the forms and payments are returned to the school office.
Sheffield FC Girls Wildcats Football Sessions – These sessions are from 3.30-4.30pm on the bottom yard. The cost is £3 per session and this is payable on Parentpay.
Boys Football – This will be run by Mr Hands from 3.30-4.30pm. Please can children see Mr Hands in Y6 to put their name down for this. This will be rotated between Upper School and Lower School Boys each half term. This club starts again after Easter. This club is free of charge.
Y6 Homework Club – This club is run by Mrs Thomson from 3.30-4.30pm in the Library. This club is free of charge.
Charity Group - This club is run by Mrs Ford from 12pm - 12.30pm in Mrs Ford's Y5 classroom. Charity Group run events throughout the school year, including Macmillan Coffee Afternoon. They made decisions about events such as Children in Need, Red Nose Day and Sports Relief. Year on year, they have supported the Chesterfield Animal Sanctuary and have raised over thousands of pounds for this charity. This club is free of charge.
Wellness Wednesdays - This club is run by Mrs Hart from 3.30-4.30pm. This club focuses on wellbeing with activities to promote this. This club is free of charge.
Computing Club - This club is run by Miss van Gemeren from 12.00-12.30pm. This club is invitation only and is free of charge.
Choir - This club is run by Mrs De Almeida from 3.30-4.30pm in the School hall. This club is available for all year groups. There are a maximum of 50 places. The School Choir are very much in demand, their last invitation was from the Chesterfield Philharmonic Choir to sing at their concert in The Crooked Spire (Chesterfield) on 17th December 2023. This club is free of charge.
Lower School Film Club - This club is run by Miss Grogan from 3.30-4.30pm in Miss Grogan's Y3 classroom. If your child would like to attend this club, please can they see Miss Grogan to put their name down. This club is free of charge.
Upper School Film Club - This club is run by Mr Mason from 3.30-4.30pm in Mr Mason's Y6 classroom. If your child would like to attend this club, please can they see Mr Mason to put their name down. This club is free of charge.
Thriving Thursdays - This club is run by Mrs Hart from 3.30-4.30pm. This club focuses on wellbeing with activities to promote this. This club is free of charge.
Board Game Club - This club is run by Mrs Ryan from 3.30-4.30pm in Mrs Genders' Y4 classroom. If your child would like to attend this club, please can they see Mrs Ryan to put their name down. This club is free of charge.
History Club - This club is run by Mrs Lunn from 12.00-12.30pm in Mrs Lunn's Y4 classroom. If your child would like to attend this club, please can they see Mrs Lunn to put their name down. This club is free of charge.
Streetdance – This class is run by Dancedaze and takes place from 3.30-4.30pm in the School Hall, for all year groups. The cost is £18 for 6 sessions. There is a limit of 25 spaces due to the size of the hall and these will be allocated on a first come first served basis as payment is received.
Chess – This class is run by Mr Trafford and takes place from 3.30-4.30pm in Miss Rogers' Y5 classroom, for all year groups. This club is currently full but please contact the office if you would like your child to be put on a reserve list. This club is free of charge.