We take the safeguarding of all our pupils very seriously. All staff are trained in Child Protection. Anyone employed or who is a regular volunteer is checked through the Disclosure and Barring Team and are re-checked throughout their time at the school.
Referrals can be made by pupils, teaching and non-teaching staff and parents. The Safeguarding Leads are Mrs N Thomson (Headteacher), Mrs R Ryan (Deputy Head), Mrs P Smith (Learning Mentor and Pastoral Manager) and Lorna Ford (Year 5 Team Leader).
Keeping children safe online is the biggest child protection challenge of this generation. Parents have a vital role to play in this.
If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child or young person, you can contact Call Derbyshire on 01246 533190 (24-hour service).
If you think a child, or a young person, is in immediate danger, please call the Police on 999 at any time.
If you are a child, or young person, and are worried, or feel unsafe, then you can get help from Childline a free, private and confidential service. You can chat online or on the phone, 0800 1111, any time.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Sept
Tackling Extremism and Radicalisation
Children Missing from Education
NSPCC's Speak out. Stay Safe.
We are participating in the NSPCC's 'Speak out. Stay safe' programme during the Spring Term 2025. 'Speak out. Stay safe' is a programme for children aged 5-11 which aims to help children understand abuse in all its forma and recognise signs of abuse. Children are taught to speak out if they are worried, either to a 'safe' adult or Childline. For more information, please read the NSPCC's 'Speak out. Stay safe' letter and/or make an appointment to see Mrs Earl.
NSPCC's 'Speak out. Stay safe' programme parent's letter
Childline Kids - help online for children under 12
Childline Kids is an area dedicated to supporting children under 12 years old. It allows young children to access child-friendly advice covering a wide range of topics such as bullying, self-esteem and staying safe. The site also features games, videos and friendly illustrations, providing a fun, reassuring and safe space for children online.
This school will receive from Derbyshire Police, a notification of every incident that has been reported to them, or known to them, of domestic abuse where a child is known to be living in the household.
This is a Derbyshire Police initiative working with Derbyshire County Council Children’s Services. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and this is to help schools with responses to domestic abuse by helping them support children and their families exposed to, or involved, in domestic abuse.
This may mean talking to pupils about their experiences, raising awareness through classroom discussion and schools activities, helping victims and families by providing to them signposting information.
This school is committed to protecting children and young people and working with partners to stop domestic abuse.
Domestic Abuse Support
Local Support:
Stopping Domestic Abuse Together (SDAT)
SDAT is an initiative led by Derbyshire Police in conjunction with Social Services, Health Services, schools, and other agencies, who work together to safeguard children and adults.
Domestic Abuse can encompass but is not limited to the following types of abuse:
- Psychological
- Physical
- Sexual
- Financial
- Emotional
Children and young people witnessing domestic abuse
Witnessing domestic abuse is really distressing and scary and it causes serious harm to children.
Children who witness domestic abuse can experience a wide range of effects. They may:
- Become anxious and depressed
- Have difficulty sleeping or have nightmares
- Be easily startled, flinch or react disproportionately to loud noises
- Complain of physical symptoms such as tummy ache
- Start wetting the bed
- Have temper tantrums and display challenging behaviour at school
- Behave younger than they are
- Not want to go to school
- Become aggressive toward others
- Have poor self-worth
- Self-harm
- Have difficulty forming positive relationships
They may feel:
- Guilty - because they think they have done something wrong
- Powerless - because they cannot stop the violence
- Confused - because it does not make sense
- Angry - because it should not be happening
- Sad - because it is a loss
- Afraid - because they may be hurt, they may lose someone they love, others may find out
- Alone - because they think it is only happening to them
What is SDAT?
SDAT is an early notification system for schools to quickly notify them of any incidents of domestic abuse where the Police have attended a household where children live.
This enables schools to understand changes in a child's behaviour, attitude, or general presentation and to support children if needed.
Help for those experiencing domestic abuse
In Derbyshire, there is one helpline number to call if someone is experiencing domestic abuse. The Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Helpline is facilitated by The Elm Foundation. To report or discuss domestic abuse, please contact:
08000 198 668 or 07534 617 252 (available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week)
For more information, please visit:
Domestic abuse (
Support around domestic abuse court/proceedings and support for LGBTQ+ domestic abuse
01773 765 899
Domestic Violence support for LGBT+ people
National Support:
National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Guidance and support for potential victims, as well as those who are worried about loved ones
0808 200 0247
Women’s Aid
Creating safety for women and children suffering domestic abuse
The Men’s Advice Line
A confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse and those supporting them
0808 801 0327
Support for adults and children who are perpetrators of domestic and familial violence
0808 8024 040
Bright Sky app
Mobile phone app, icon appears as a weather app but includes helpful info around abusive relationships
Other sources of support for safeguarding purposes
Local Support
Safer Derbyshire
Creating community safety in Derbyshire, including work around anti-social behaviour
Safe and Sound
Supporting vulnerable young people at risk of exploitation in Derbyshire through live Facebook chats
(Monday-Friday 10-11am and 3-4pm)
National Support:
999 55
‘Silent Calls’ to the police, calling 999 then coughing, tapping on screen, or typing 55 to indicate you are experiencing violence and are unable to speak.
Hollie Guard app
Mobile phone app acts as personal safety device, sending location info etc to identified emergency contacts
Stop Hate Crime
Reporting of any awareness of hate crimes being committed
0800 138 1625