Dronfield Junior School

Dronfield Junior School
Reaching Potential

Mental Health and Wellbeing events in School

Mental Health Awareness Week - Wear Green for Mental Health

On Friday 17th May children and staff came to school dressed in Green to raise awareness of mental health and to raise money for the Mental Health Foundation. The theme this year was ‘Move More for Mental Health’ and to mark this, Mrs Wright, our Year 6 class teacher, led a whole school aerobics workout to music. The children loved taking part and it truly raised everybody’s spirits on a sunny Friday morning. 

Whole school aerobics

Children's Mental Health Week (week commencing 5th February 2024)

It has been Children’s Mental Health Week this week and classes in school have been focussing on different aspects of mental health. This year’s theme of My Voice Matters is about empowering children by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves. When we feel empowered, this can have a positive impact on our well-being. Children who feel that their voices are heard and can make a difference have a greater sense of community and self-esteem.

This year, the aim is for children of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be empowered to work together to create a positive change for their mental health and wellbeing.

Please see the link below to some recommended books that promote awareness of children’s mental health that you may wish to share with your child at home. Children's Mental Health Week: 5 Book Recommendations on the BooksForTopics Blog

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day was Tuesday 10 October 2023. The official theme for this year's event was 'Mental health is a universal human right', as set by the World Federation for Mental Health. World Mental Health Day is about raising awareness of mental health and driving positive change for everyone’s mental health. It’s also a chance to talk about mental health, how we need to look after it, and how important it is to get help if you are struggling.

World Mental Health Day 2023 | Mental Health Foundation

We invited children to come to school on Tuesday 10th October wearing yellow (socks, a scarf, a bobble/scrunchie, a T-shirt, a hat or an item of clothing with yellow on it) to support the #HelloYellow campaign. Donations of £1 to YoungMinds via ParentPay were welcomed to support this worthy charity working to promote the wellbeing of children and young people.

In assembly Mrs De Almeida showed the children the Get Britain Talking video Britain Get Talking | Assembly Video (itv.com) to link with this. The also learned a song called ‘One Call Away’ which is about supporting others.

We encouraged all our children to share their worries big or small by talking, writing or drawing.

Mental Health Day

We wore yellow to highlight mental health in children