Dronfield Junior School

Dronfield Junior School
Reaching Potential

Physical Education

"The only person who can tell you 'You can't win' is you and you don't have to listen."

Jessica Ennis-Hill

Our Physical Education Lead is Mr R Hands

Physical Education Intent

At Dronfield Junior School, we aim to:

  • Provide and encourage the opportunity for all pupils to have the skills required to be a Sportsperson in order to involve themselves in Physical Education.
  • Provide opportunity for pupils to discover an interest and demonstrate their talents in Physical
  • Provide opportunities for pupils to explore physical situations unknown to them.
  • Allow pupils to have the opportunity to explore different skills and it encourage them to seek these skills in a wider environment.
  • Inspire a love and curiosity of PE in all pupils that spans a range of aspects; including, Dance, Games, Gymnastics, OAA, Athletics and Swimming.
  • Encourage pupils to understand the notion and aspect of competitions within the school and outside of the school.
  • Understand that their gender does not define their ability in a particular sport or skill.
  • Give the opportunity for all pupils to be able to learn new skills and perform these at a competitive level.
  • Widen pupils' knowledge terms of technical vocabulary.
  • Encourage pupils to stay active and healthy in a variety of ways (healthy eating, being active 1 hour daily, active travel)

Physical Education Implementation

  • Every class is timetabled for two 1-hour PE sessions per week. This includes one session in the school hall ( indoor PE) and one session outside (outdoor PE).  In Year 5, one of the PE slots is taken for swimming.
  • Partnerships with SHAPE Learning Partnership to allow competitive opportunities within sports.
  • A range of equipment that can be suitably designated to each unit of PE.
  • Applications of skills to game and competitive situations within each year group.
  • Follow a clearly sequenced and progressive program of study (REAL PE) based on the National Curriculum objectives through the use of the long term plans
  • Encouragement to play fairly and with respect.
  • All pupils to have access to a wide variety of sports and units within PE.
  • High quality teaching that is appropriately pitched to individuals.
  • For outside agencies to teach specialist units of PE e.g. specialist dance teacher to deliver National Curriculum dance objectives linked to Year group topics.
  • Bronze Ambassadors and play leaders organising activities at lunch times and active brain breaks delivered in class.
  • Year 5 pupils are taught swimming at Dronfield Sports Centre for 30 weeks a year in order to achieve the National Curriculum objective of swimming 25m by the end of Key Stage 2.

Physical Education Impact

  • Pupils discover new interests and talents.
  • Pupils have widened their vocabulary and use descriptive language in response to PE.
  • Pupils confidently apply their Sports knowledge to other areas of learning and outside interests.
  • Pupils have developed good sportsmanship within PE.
  • Pupils enjoy taking part in lessons and are confident to demonstrate their skills.
  • Pupils demonstrate a love or appreciation of PE and talk confidently about it.
  • Pupils are prepared for the next stage of their Physical learning.
  • Pupils have the ability to analyse skills and offer constructive criticism.
  • Pupils are more aware of how to stay active and ultimately live a healthy lifestyle, achieved through targeted approaches to those individuals who are not fulfilling the Government’s recommendations for being physically active.

Real PE

At Dronfield Junior School, we follow the Real PE Scheme of Work.  Year groups progress through the same fundamental movement skills focus through different games and skills practise in each unit.  Each unit also has a learning focus that centres on improving every individual’s skills in PE.

The learning focus and fundamental movement skills are listed below:

Unit 1 – Personal development – Coordination: footwork, static balance: one leg.

Unit 2 – Social development – Dynamic balance to agility: Jumping and landing, static balance: seated.

Unit 3 – Cognitive development – Dynamic balance: on a line, coordination: ball skills.

Unit 4 – Creative development – Coordination: sending and receiving, Counter balance: with a partner.

Unit 5 – Applying Physical development – Agility: reaction/response, Static balance: floor work.

Unit 6 – Health and Fitness development – Agility: Ball chasing, Static balance: Stance

Physical Education (Real PE) progression of skills

Physical Education dance progression

Physical Education gymnastics progression

Derbyshire County Council Swimming Curriculum 2024-2025