Dronfield Junior School

Dronfield Junior School
Reaching Potential

Pupil Voice

Our pupils are at the heart of everything we do at DJS. 

It is important that their views are heard, one of the ways we ensure they are listened to is through these groups.

School Council

2024 - 2025

Our School Council Representatives are:

Year 3: Sophia W , Nancy H (Treasurer), Connie H

Year 4: Alexa K, Esme B, Diana S (Secretary)

Year 5: William C, Melisa N, Katy S (Treasurer)

Year 6: Lily S (Vice-Chairperson), Esme B (Chairperson), Harry C

School Council Minutes 2024-2025

Minutes 6.11.2024

Agenda 15th January 2025

School Council Minutes 2023-2024

Agenda 18.10.2023

Minutes 18.10.2023

Agenda 15.11.2023

Minutes 15.11.2023

Agenda 25.5.2024

Minutes 25.5.2024

ECO Committee

 ECO Schools logo


 January 2025

The DJS i-vengers have met to discuss their first task. Watch this space for more information about screen time and sleep.

About this task

We’ve come up with a challenge called ‘Turn Off and Tune In’ to get parents and carers involved. This way, they can help children and young people develop better sleep habits. Our goal is to not only fix the issue of too much screen time before bed but also teach children and young people and their families how important a good night’s sleep is for their health and learning. Come join us in this important mission!

Bronze Ambassadors

Young Bronze Ambassadors are role models and leaders in school sport who promote healthy lifestyles and positive values. Being a Bronze Ambassador can help pupils develop personally, boost confidence and increase opportunities for all children in school.

On Thursday 17th October Mr Hands will be accompanying a group of Year 6 pupils to the English Institute of Sport in Sheffield where they will be trained as our 2024-2025 Young Bronze Ambassadors. 

Bronze Ambassador Conference   English Institute of Sport

 Every term, we canvas pupils' views and ask them about their learning in different subjects. We vertically stream the pupils to do this so they can share their learning across the key stage.