Dronfield Junior School

Dronfield Junior School
Reaching Potential

Spotlight on PE and Sport

Physical Activity and Children's Mental Health

New research shows just how much physical activity can boost children’s mental health.  Here is what has been learnt:

  • Exercise = Happier Kids: Regular movement helps reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety in children.
  • Builds Confidence: Active kids feel more in control, bounce back faster from challenges, and tackle their day with a big dose of self-esteem.
  • Quick Wins: Even short bursts of movement (like brain breaks) can lower stress levels and improve focus in the classroom.

It is proof that movement does not just keep kids physically healthy – it is a game-changer for their emotional well-being too.

Physical Literacy

Physical literacy is the foundation of movement.  Research shows that physically literate children are twice as likely to be active, have higher levels of mental wellbeing and feel their experiences are more positive. 

Physical Literacy

Shape Primary Penathlon Challenge winners (September 2024)

We are proud to announce that our team won the Primary Penathlon Challenge.

Chesterfield FC Community Trust Awards Night 2024

Our girls' football team was nominated for 'Female Team of the Year' and we were thrilled to scoop the award.

Female Team of the Year DJSFemale Team of the Year DJS trophy

Female Team of the Year DJS

School Games Gold award for 2023-2024

 We are thrilled to announce that we have once again achieved the School Games Gold award.  2023-2024 sees our third consecutive year achieving this award.  "Outstanding achievement in placing PE, school sport and physical activity at the heart of our school." (SHAPE Learning Partnership)

Gold School Games 2023-2024

Sports Day 2024

On Tuesday 21st May 2024, we held our Sports Day at the English Institute of Sport in Sheffield.  We raced on tracks that Olympians, such as Jessica Ennis-Hill, has trod before us.

The houses of Peveril (green) and Haddon (red) shared first position and lifted the L. C. Henry trophy (named after a previous Headteacher who gifted the trophy circa 1986.)

House Super Supporter Resilience Champion
Chatsworth Freddie K Maddie F
Haddon Theo Noah O
Peveril Myla Fynley
Hardwick Faye Elliot R

Here are a few photographs from our Sports Day, please see our Sports Day gallery for more ...

Sports House Captain and Vice Captain Winners

Prior to the Sports Day, all pupils had a chance to sample a range of different sports including: long jump, kneeling javelin, discuss, shot putt, high jump, hurdles and many others.

Long jumpJavelin




High JumpHurdles



 West End Workshops in Schools

All year groups have had the opportunity to take part in a dance and drama workshop led by a professional dancer to reimagine their own version of the Olympic Games. Working together as a class, the children celebrated the spirit of the games by creating their own version of the opening ceremony, explored the different types of sports, and embraced the official Olympic values of excellence, respect and friendship. The children performed with confidence and enthusiasm, fully embracing the spirit of the games.

West End Workshop


Boys' and Girls' Football

On Friday 10th May, we took the Year 6 boys' football team and Year 6 girls' football team to compete at the SMH Group Stadium(Chesterfield football stadium) to compete in a tournament against 6 other local schools. We are so proud of their achievements this year; Miss Smith and Mr Hands have remarked on how far both teams have progressed since their first tournament at Gosforth earlier in the year.

We would like to congratulate the Year 6 girls’ team who won the tournament; they are the champions and current owners of The Spireites Cup!

The boys were knocked out of the tournament in the semi-final, having put up a resilient fight against Old Hall Junior School (who went on to win the tournament). The team showed excellent sportsmanship through and through.

Both teams were lucky enough to have their picture taken with the Vanarama league Cup (much bigger than ours!) which Chesterfield won this season and Chester, the CFC mascot.
Boys' and Girls' Football Teams

Dance Platform

On Tuesday 27th February, our Year 6 pupils travelled to the Winding Wheel in Chesterfield to take part in a primary school dance platform organised by the SHAPE learning partnership. The event ran over two days, with 36 primary schools across Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire taking part. The theme for this year’s dance platform was ‘Dance through the Decades’.

DJS performed two dances at the event, with over 40 of our Year 6 boys taking the audience back to the 70’s with disco fever by performing a dance to Night Fever, inspired by John Travolta. Around 40 Year 6 girls were transported back to the roaring twenties, which saw the rise of the Charleston.

For many of our children, this was their first experience of performing on stage to a large audience and we were immensely proud of the resilience, determination and courage that each child demonstrated at this event. Many thanks to Mrs Wright for choreographing the dances and for working so hard to provide such a wonderful and unique experience to our whole Year 6 cohort.

Dance Platform

National League Trust Under 11’s Cup Final

Congratulations to the boys who represented DJS in football at the National League Trust Under 11’s cup today at Staveley Minors Welfare. They worked brilliantly as a team and showcased some excellent footballing talent, going on to win the whole tournament. This means that they will now represent Chesterfield in a regional cup tournament in York on Tuesday 30th January. We are immensely proud of this achievement, well done!